Onlinetermin 06131 - 464 850 0
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Consultation on
employer’s reference

Favorable and according to the truth

The job reference serves to advance the career of the employee. Therefore, each employee may request an employer’s reference, which truthfully documents his previous activities.

Your claim

A letter of reference can (and should) be required if the employment relationship ends. That is the employees right, without exception. As employee you can also choose whether you want a simple or qualified certificate. While the simple certificate only contains information about the nature and duration of the activity, the qualified certificate also evaluates the performance and behavior of the employee.

Due to the higher degree of significance for the future employer you should always ask for a qualified certificate.

What is “true”?

The activities of an employee often require more skills and are more extensive than the employer is aware of. As a result, job descriptions in employment references do not always correspond to the actual conditions. The language used in employment references is often incomprehensible to the layman and often leads to the assumption, by an employee, that she has received a good reference, when in truth she often doesn’t have the knowledge to asses it. The grade “4” for example or “sufficient” is expressed by the formulation “to our satisfaction”. If you are unsure what the terms in your job reference mean or are unsatisfied with the formulation that your employer has chosen, then our law firm is gladly here for you. We will help you “translate” your reference and request amendment if necessary. This also often occurs in a way where you give us a detailed description of your activities and our law firm creates a new certificate for you, which your employer will be presented with and after successful negotiation assume as is.

The interim employment reference certificate

You can request an employer’s reference not only upon termination, but during the ongoing employment as well – the so called interim employment reference certificate. Since the legal claim for an employment certificate only concerns the final certificate, the employer must only issue an interim certificate if the requesting employee can argue a special interest. A special interest in an interim certificate exists when you are applying for a job or when an authority or court requires a certificate. Furthermore, it may also exist in regards to educational efforts or for credit transactions and hence, merit special interest.

A meaningful employment certificate is an almost indispensable prerequisite for career advancement. Assert your claim for an accurate and favorable employer’s reference certificate and profit from it. We will gladly help you in that regard.

Our labor law firm is specialized to advise you extensively and competently in all matters regarding labor law. 

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06131 - 464 850 0