Christian Schmelter

Christian Schmelter
Lawyer, Solicitor with Official Specialisation in Employment Law
Many years of professional experience, a broad perspective and a knack for analysing labour law characterise the working methods of Mr Schmelter. Even in times of crisis, he remains calm and in control. His experience not only helps him to work out what is legally possible, but also what makes sense economically.
Beginning in his studies and continuing through his legal clerkship, Mr Schmelter specialised in labour law as his optional subject, thus setting the course for his professional career early on.
Through his previous professional experience, he learned to assess different legal problems from different perspectives. During his work for an insolvent company administrator, he was involved, among other things, in the restructuring of companies, particularly with regard to staffing. His duties included negotiations with works councils, creditors and acquirers.
After moving to a firm specialising in commercial law, he was responsible for labour law and advised employers as well as employees and works councils. Here he gained additional, extensive case experience.
A further move to a large German corporate group sharpened his business acumen. One of his strengths in this regard was assessing individual cases as part of a larger context.
Mr Schmelter has completed the programme for specialising in tax law. He has held the title of labour law specialist since 2009. He advises and represents companies nationwide on all questions of labour law, particularly in the planning and implementation of personnel changes, lay-offs, restructuring and transfers of businesses. Mr Schmelter also advises executives, directors and board members out of court and in court on all legal issues.