Onlinetermin 06131 - 464 850 0



LABISCH | Kanzlei für Arbeitsrecht

Rechts- & Fachanwälte PartG mbB
Wormser Straße 15
55130 Mainz

Telefon: 06131 - 464 850 0
Telefax: 06131 ⁄ 480 572 4

E-Mail: sekretariat(at)

Partnerschaftsregister: PR 20326 | Registergericht: Amtsgericht Koblenz

USt-IdNr.: DE 318 114 987

Responsible for content: Mr Frank Labisch, solicitor

This occupational title is designated ‘Rechtsanwalt’ under German law 

and was granted in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Competent bar association and supervisory authority:

Rechtsanwaltskammer Koblenz

Rheinstraße 24

56068 Koblenz 

Policies regulating the profession:

German Legal Profession Act – BRAO

Rules of Professional Practice – BORA

Regulations for Specialised Legal Professionals – FAO

Remuneration for Legal Professionals Act – RVG

Professional Legal Services Act – RDG

Legal Aid Act – BerHG

Professional Regulations of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe – CCBE

Regulation of Work Performed by European Lawyers in Germany Act – EuRAG

Responsible for this website for the purposes of TMG s 5:

Mr Frank Labisch, solicitor

Wormser Straße 15

55130 Mainz

Telephone: + 49 (0)6131 464 850 0

Fax: +49 (0)6131 480 572 4

Email: sekretariat(at)

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